Shivana Yoga

Hi There, I’m Diana


I started my yoga journey 23 years ago and continued on to become a yoga instructor. Following two car accidents, several health related struggles and a diagnosis of C-PTSD, I have found tremendous healing through gentle yoga, mindfulness and meditation practice.

As a life long learner, I have attended many courses in CBT, CPT, DBT skills, Reiki and Reflexology. In my previous career, I was a high school teacher specializing in teaching children with special needs.



In my classes, I focus on mindfully connecting body, mind and breath, particularly sensitive to those with mobility issues and those who suffer with PTSD.

What I Offer

Online Classes

 LIVE ONLINE classes with REPLAYS (so you never miss a class )

Mondays 10:30 AM ~ Chair Yoga
Tuesdays 7:30 PM ~ Yoga Nidra Meditation

Classes are broadcast in Facebook private groups. Classes are payable by etransfer to Please connect with me to sign up.

Outdoor Yoga Classes offered May – September Stay Tuned



Please contact me for monthly specials.

For online classes please e transfer to

All online classes take place LIVE on Facebook


Puppy Yoga

Puppy Yoga has returned! Come and experience the joy of PUPPY YOGA! Saturday, April 29, 2023, 1-2 PM or 2:30-3:30 PM.  The Hamilton Ballroom in Westdale, 1043 King St. W.  To purchase tickets, please visit

Be prepared to bliss out.

My approach is gentle and calming
and I use a loving, compassionate approach to help those working through difficulty.

My winsome personality and wit will have you laughing, and my soothing energy will have you leaving my classes rested and relaxed.